In one of the big victories this year, the government has issued a notification for the protection of the Good Samaritan. It is a happy day for all of us who have advocated for this law,led by the ‘Save Life Foundation’, our partner and supporter.
Dubbed the ‘Head Injury Capital of the World’, India sees a glimmer of hope with the Good Samaritan Notification. Considering our efforts work on two basic levels – one in preventing head injuries by practicing road safety and taking other preventive measures, and two in providing victims with immediate, optimal care on the unfortunate account of a mishap – we rejoice with this notification, which though hasn’t been implemented yet, but for which a supportive legal framework is being worked on.
Over 1.5 million people suffer from head injuries and brain trauma every year. Sadly, 1 out of every 6 victims dies because of a lack of optimal care during the ‘golden hour’, the period immediately after the accident.The 201st Report of the Law Commission states, “According to doctors, at least 50% of the fatalities can be averted if victims are admitted to a hospital within the first hour post the accident.” Around 88% people choose to forgo assisting injured victims owing to a fear of legal hassles and police harassment.
Considering these disturbing statistics, the Supreme Court realised the immediate need to protect those who assist accident victims from unnecessary harassment by the police and courts of law.
We urge you all to keep a copy of the Good Samaritan Notification in your vehicles. If the need to help someone ever arises, you’ll have paperwork to back you. Keep helping,Good Samaritan, because together we can make the law!